Monday, February 20, 2012

The Nephite Disciples Baptize (02/20/12)

Opening Prayer: Monster

Opening Song: "When I Am Baptized" (Aaron)

Scripture: 3 Nephi 11:33 (Andee)

Lesson: "The Nephite Disciples Baptize" - Friend, May 2000 (Alex and Dad)

Alex read the following story:

Nine-year-old Kendall Hand of Glen St. Mary, Florida, has felt this guidance. He recalls: “When I was baptized on my eighth birthday, I was so happy! I knew that I was following Jesus’ example. After my baptism, we had a birthday party at a nearby park. Some of my friends and family gave me money as birthday presents. I added it to what I had earned that summer, then hid it.

“When I went to get it a few days later, I couldn’t find it. I said a prayer—still no money. Weeks passed—still no money. In the meantime, I earned five dollars for helping my dad. I decided to use those five dollars to pay tithing on the money I had lost. I knew that now that I was a baptized member of the Church, Heavenly Father expected me to pay my tithing. I put the money into a tithing envelope and gave it to the bishop. It felt good.

“That Sunday afternoon I had an idea to look in my closet in a box where I keep my old hats. There was my money! Mom told me that it was the Holy Ghost who gave me that idea. She said that Heavenly Father will bless us if we try to do what’s right. It was right for me to pay my tithing.”

Closing Song: "Baptism" (Aimee)

Closing Prayer: Mom

Treats: Sorry... not tonight! ;)

Monday, February 13, 2012

"Faith in God" Award (02/13/12)

Opening Prayer: Aaron

Opening Song: "I Love To See The Temple" (Mom)

Scripture: 4th Article of Faith (Austin)

Lesson: "Faith in God" Award Book (Aimee)

Aimee read selections from Faith in God (for Girls).
When I was baptized I made a covenant to take upon me the name of Jesus Christ and to serve Him and be obedient.
Heavenly Father has given me the Holy Ghost. Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, I can be forgiven of my sins when I repent. If I keep my baptismal covenant, I can return to live with Him.
When I take the sacrament, I renew my covenant to take upon me the name of Jesus Christ, to always remember Him, and to obey His commandments. When I do this, I can feel the Holy Ghost guiding me.
"My Baptismal Covenant," Faith in God for Girls, (2003)

Closing Song: "In The Leafy Tree Tops" (Dad)

Closing Prayer: Andee

Treats: Cookies (Alex)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Talents (FHE for 02/06/12)

This is going to sound kind of lazy, but Aimee wanted to watch The Voice as a family and talk about talents.

So we did.

... and Mom wasn't here so it was okay. ;)