Monday, February 13, 2012

"Faith in God" Award (02/13/12)

Opening Prayer: Aaron

Opening Song: "I Love To See The Temple" (Mom)

Scripture: 4th Article of Faith (Austin)

Lesson: "Faith in God" Award Book (Aimee)

Aimee read selections from Faith in God (for Girls).
When I was baptized I made a covenant to take upon me the name of Jesus Christ and to serve Him and be obedient.
Heavenly Father has given me the Holy Ghost. Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, I can be forgiven of my sins when I repent. If I keep my baptismal covenant, I can return to live with Him.
When I take the sacrament, I renew my covenant to take upon me the name of Jesus Christ, to always remember Him, and to obey His commandments. When I do this, I can feel the Holy Ghost guiding me.
"My Baptismal Covenant," Faith in God for Girls, (2003)

Closing Song: "In The Leafy Tree Tops" (Dad)

Closing Prayer: Andee

Treats: Cookies (Alex)

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